Dr. Abdur Rahman Al-sumait passes away
The Man who has guided 7 Million People to Islam

That man whose photo is displayed above has guided 5 million people to embrace Islam
The Man who has guided 7 Million People to Islam

That man whose photo is displayed above has guided 5 million people to embrace Islam
from 40 countries over 30 years he has spent preaching to Islam.
You may think that this is a legend …. But it is a true story…This man is still alive and preaching to Allah in Africa.
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sumait , may Allah reward him, is a doctor and a preacher from the State of Kuwait and the founder of Direct Aid Society, a charitable preaching society.
Dr. Al-Sumait has dedicated his life for preaching in Africa and this long struggle has been crowned with great results as there are thousands of preachers who are working for the Direct aid Society and they were guided by Dr. Al-Sumait to embrace Islam and have become Muslim preachers. Some of them had been priests before they embraced Islam. Dr. Al-Sumait is rewarded by Allah the same reward of those 7 million people who embraced Islam i.e. when they pray, pay charity, perform Hajj or jihad, Al-Sumait is rewarded likewise.
You may think that this is a legend …. But it is a true story…This man is still alive and preaching to Allah in Africa.
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sumait , may Allah reward him, is a doctor and a preacher from the State of Kuwait and the founder of Direct Aid Society, a charitable preaching society.
Dr. Al-Sumait has dedicated his life for preaching in Africa and this long struggle has been crowned with great results as there are thousands of preachers who are working for the Direct aid Society and they were guided by Dr. Al-Sumait to embrace Islam and have become Muslim preachers. Some of them had been priests before they embraced Islam. Dr. Al-Sumait is rewarded by Allah the same reward of those 7 million people who embraced Islam i.e. when they pray, pay charity, perform Hajj or jihad, Al-Sumait is rewarded likewise.
" whoever guides to good deeds is like the doer of good deeds", the prophet(pbuh) said.
You also, God willing, will be rewarded likewise if you financially or spiritually participate in this big project, i.e. your reward will be endless until the Judgment Day. Those five million people will increase and new Muslim generations, who will grow up as infidels if they are not guided by Almighty Allah and this blessed preaching, will exist.
So, let’s donate as much as we can and call on the rich and the merchants to donate.
A very very very permanent great reward, God willing, until the Judgment Day. If each one of us donates a dinar, the outcome will be millions of dinars, and it will be more if the merchants and businessmen participate with us.
" over more than 25 years of work in Africa, the thing which best pleases me is that when I see someone raising his/her index and embracing Islam" Dr. Al-Sumait said.
The thing that impressed Dr. Al-Sumait so much that he cried when he visited an area where its inhabitants embraced Islam, then they cried and screamed because their parents had died before embracing Islam." O Muslims! Where were you? Why were you late for long years?" They asked. Such words made Dr. Al-Sumait cry bitterly and feel responsible for those who died before they embraced Islam.
Dr. Al-Sumait claimed blood accumulation three times in his head and heart but his high determination kept him working.
Although he has been suffering from diabetes, he has never quitted traveling and sacrificing, may Allah regard him much better than we do and forgive him, us and all Muslims.
In an interview run by Dr. Ayid Al-Mana'a for Kuwait T.V, Dr. Al-Sumait said that he had traveled to an African country and within few days hundreds of people had embraced Islam so, a European catholic priest had come to him and said :" I and my father were born here and my grand father had come here about one hundred years ago and our aim has been to urge people to embrace Christianity, but only few people have done, yet you have spent here only few days and hundreds of people have embraced Islam".
So, let’s donate as much as we can and call on the rich and the merchants to donate.
A very very very permanent great reward, God willing, until the Judgment Day. If each one of us donates a dinar, the outcome will be millions of dinars, and it will be more if the merchants and businessmen participate with us.
" over more than 25 years of work in Africa, the thing which best pleases me is that when I see someone raising his/her index and embracing Islam" Dr. Al-Sumait said.
The thing that impressed Dr. Al-Sumait so much that he cried when he visited an area where its inhabitants embraced Islam, then they cried and screamed because their parents had died before embracing Islam." O Muslims! Where were you? Why were you late for long years?" They asked. Such words made Dr. Al-Sumait cry bitterly and feel responsible for those who died before they embraced Islam.
Dr. Al-Sumait claimed blood accumulation three times in his head and heart but his high determination kept him working.
Although he has been suffering from diabetes, he has never quitted traveling and sacrificing, may Allah regard him much better than we do and forgive him, us and all Muslims.
In an interview run by Dr. Ayid Al-Mana'a for Kuwait T.V, Dr. Al-Sumait said that he had traveled to an African country and within few days hundreds of people had embraced Islam so, a European catholic priest had come to him and said :" I and my father were born here and my grand father had come here about one hundred years ago and our aim has been to urge people to embrace Christianity, but only few people have done, yet you have spent here only few days and hundreds of people have embraced Islam".
This is because Islam is the innate religion.
One of the things which displeases Dr. Al-Sumait is the huge donations that the societies of Christianization receive from Christians compared to the few donations from Muslims.
Among the donations paid by non-Muslims for the Christianization activities , as detected by Dr. Al-Sumait , the donation paid by the owner of Microsoft company and amounted one billion dollar, 114 million dollar donated by a Dutch businessman. In a ceremony held by one of the supporters of Christianization in New York, he decided to distribute a copy of the gospel on every house in the world and this idea required 300 million dollars to be carried out. Within one day he managed to raise 41 million dollars. " I walk hundreds of kilometers… My car breaks down… My shoes are torn…. In order to reach a village…. And at the same time, I find a Christian preacher comes to that village by plane !!!